Monday, June 9, 2008

The dog days of...

...wait, it's not summer! You'd never know that around here the last few days. With the temps being in the high 80's-low 90's, you'd swear it was August! Nope, just springtime in the Northeast! Next week it will probably be in the 60's...that's just life. Anyway, we took a drive to Grammy & Pop-Pop's this weekend to celebrate Uncle Jason't birthday. Wes and Lauren had a blast playing on the Nemo slip-n-slide and the Nemo sprinkler. They were like little fish themselves! Here are some pics from our day...
Blowing bubbles...

I really don't know what he was doing here, but it's a funny picture!

They decided it would be fun to drink from the sprinkler

On the way home, I stopped to take a picture of the Nicholson viaduct, just because it's cool!

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